Saturday, October 24, 2009

Driving with Cognitive Dissonance

Tonight I'm driving down interstate 64/Highway 40 and I see this nice bright interactive sign that is flashing:


In other words - the police is solemnly warning us of their prowess in giving out speeding tickets. Somehow they think this would be a deterrent.  I'm telling you it is not!  I actually had to fight this overwhelming urge not to speed up.  For those of you who really know me - I'm a slow driver and I almost always go speed limit but this sign made me want to go fast.  Think about it...out of about 150,000 average daily drivers on this route (actually in 2006 according to MODOT it was 133,389 so I made some adjustments) - they managed to nab a cumulative 445 speeders.  Let's do the math:

129 days (June 15 to Oct. 24) X 150,000 = 19,350,000 total amount of driving
445/19,350,000 =.000023 (rounded)

I think somebody might want to tell the PR Dept. at the Police HQ that this could be a potential marketing nightmare...

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