Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Political Digression

Those of you who know me know that I'm a bit of a political junkie - I just love watching this circus we call the Federal Government - especially the foibles of our elected officials.  Take Pelosi for example - she came out with a new twist on the Public Option Health Insurance Plan by doing some neat verbal engineering by calling it Competitive Option.   I love it - it is very interesting twist. Reminds me of a book that I recently read, Words That Work, by Frank Lutz on how to engage in verbal engineering.

Imagine if a government were to print out a list of every citizen and next to their names - they would include how much money they make and how wealthy they are.  Wouldn't that be a bit creepy or what?  Well, Norway just took this dramatic route and made such a list public: Norway Open Tax Records.

It is always good to have someone finally come clean about their agenda.  Barney Frank, a Democrat Senator, has come out and in plainly states that he wants to increase the role of government in America. Lest I come across as a right-winger - I would wag the same finger at the Republicans and say that they didn't exactly decrease the role of government before Obama.

Call me cynical but I wouldn't exactly think it'd be great when a communist tabloid, the Pravda, is now claiming that America is finally turning the corner and becoming a socialist country: America Moving From Kingdom of Cash to Socialism

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