Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Our Kentucky Thanksgiving has been quite pleasant. The abundant feast, as usual, was quite scrumptious!  I hope you all are having a great Thanksgiving as well.

I recently read an article by a Jewish Social Critic and Radio Host, Michael Medved, on the history of Thanksgiving - pretty interesting article. There were some historical stuff that I didn't even know. One was that the folks who came over on the Mayflower did not come from England - rather they came from Holland - having lived there for 12 years.  I will need to re-study my history during that time period. I was not taught any of this in school...  Anyone who can recommend a good book or two on this historical subject?


  1. Mike,

    I'd reccommend the recent history, that covers the history of the pilgrim separatists from their time in England, to Holland to the second generation in the late 1600's. It is a fascinating history.

    I think something to take away is that the Pilgrims lived in the presence of God all the time, though they struggled to do that. Look at it this way, imagine a small Baptist church in small town Kentucky of around 100 people, whose minister studied at the finest University in the world, and whose principle lay leader was a former higher up in the US Department of State, decided to leave everything behind for some desolate place. How would they keep their faith? How would they survive? How would they interact with the natives?

  2. Again, the book is Mayflower, a Story of Courage, Community and War.

  3. Thanks Jason! I will definitely check this book out.
