Sunday, November 8, 2009

Titanic Shift Just Happened

Just saw the news - the House of Reps narrowly passed the Health Insurance Bill.  This is HUGE!  Nothing short of plate tectonic shifting around - creating earthquakes and mountains and crevasses. We have seen history in action.  It remains to be seen what this titanic shift in our domestic policy would actually do. In the words of the sage economist, Thomas Sowell: Always remember the distinction between intent and impact. You may feel good about this bill but what is the long-range impact. (Paraphrased).

 Here are some things that stood out to me when I perused the summary of the bill:

Health Insurance is a requirement - there will be a penalty or jail time if you are uninsured
No higher premiums for specific groups or classes (i.e. gender, pre-existing condtions, or medical history,etc.)
Those who can't afford insurance will get federal subsidies.

We are going to see some serious volatile times in the next few years...

1 comment:

  1. My question - How does an investor take advantage of the volatility this bill will create?
